Friday, February 19, 2010

Tagging Traditions

Here is an awesome project that my Installation Art class last year worked on.What it was, was the class broke into groups and came up with individual ideas to put in a gallery space at the Cincinnati Art Museum. It was myself and my friends Sunny and Kristen in one group. We came up with our idea and presented it to the head of the museum. AND THEY CHOSE OUR IDEA!!! At the time, we were the only sophmores in a class of all seniors and grad students, and they really liked our idea and presentation! It is titled Tagging Traditions.

The idea was for the gallery to have a reaction piece to the museum's current main attraction. It was "China Design Now". This exhibit was a show case of China's upcoming graphic art and media art, showing the improvement of technology and art sweeping the country. So our reaction piece was to set up the gallery as a "modern flashback" idea. What we did is we graffitied the gallery walls in Chinese characters. So we have a modern graffiti art here. But the actual characters were words from ancient Chinese poetry and literature. So we created an atmosphere of modern art that still retains its historical roots. Along with that, each student picked a meaningful phrase/word and created their own individual graffiti cut out to be hung on the wall. To add to the atmosphere, colored lenses were placed over the ceiling lights to create a more intimate atmosphere.

This one is specifically my piece. It roughly says "Long long will friendship last". It is surrounded by 3 animals: a bird, bunny, and squirrel. These animals in turn represent me, Sunny, and Kristen, to go along with the friendship quote.

Here I am working!

Here's me and Sunny working......or are we???? lol

Here are the links to Sunny and Kristen's go check them out!!



Until next time!!!
Ciao <3

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