Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Heart Break

To put it simply, a week and one day ago, my boyfriend showed up unexpectedly on my front porch and broke off our 7 month long relationship. It was the strangest thing. I was in absolute shock, and the miserable feelings have progressed from there. Its been so hard for me. I'm just so confused about it all. Last I saw him, everything was great. He was even excited to come down and see me...which, well, now isn't happening. I'll stop here and spare all the other confusing details that would leave you puzzled as well. But here is some things I have made to help me get out these awful emotions.

I've tried reaching out to him since these works, but no response.

Makes me wonder....I think this break up was his parents choice and not his own........which in-itself is another long story that I will spare you.

But on a note of art, I would be interested in some feed back or crit. Thanks everyone.

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