So here is the final work: The Veterans Comic!!! Here's how it all went down. I was paired with a veteran from the Navy, Rachael Wolf. She told me all about her time in the Navy, it was really interesting and cool to hear. Right out of high school she joined, and stayed on active duty for 8 whole years. She had so many interesting things to say, from her involvement in 9/11 to her being stationed in Europe for about 3 years, and what life was like on the open sea. She was an intelligence specialist, which means, she looked at pictures of cities and roads and such, looking for places where people could be hiding or where bombs could be placed in the road. The story I focused on, was her first deployment. Its a cute/funny story and I really enjoyed illustrating it and showing how I interpreted the event.




Thank you Rachael for serving our country! You are an amazing person and I loved working on this project!